What does it mean to be truly free?

Posts tagged “eric july comic book

Voluntaryist Origins VI Sneak Peek Update 6

Hello Voluntaryist fans!

Hope you are doing well as we kick off the month of February.

It’s a relatively quiet time as we’re just moving along steadily with the Voluntaryist remasters. We’re about wrapped on the pencils for the Origins I remaster and are about to begin working on the pencils for Origins II.

The covers for Origins III, IV, and V have been making good progress with approvals having been completed on the layouts and pencils. Check out some of those cover progression sneak peeks here:

I figure now is a good a time as any to give you a heads-up on the other projects we’re working toward this year, especially, since we’ve fully wrapped up the ANTISTATE music video project.

Pho will be recording another anthem-styled song I wrote that’s tangential to the Mask Order and Disobey tracks. The title and subject is still under wraps, but we think you’re going to find the message inspiring and timely! So be sure to look out for when we release that new song, the album art, and its Indiegogo campaign for making our next music video. It’s going to be a project you’ll want to see succeed!

Pho and I also have exciting news to share as we will be some of the featured special guests at the Libertarian Party of Washington’s annual conference! While the details are not all settled yet, we can tell you that we will be at the conference’s activities from Friday, March 24th through Sunday, March 26th. The convention will be taking place at Sammamish Valley Grange in Woodinville, Washington. More details will eventually be released on the LPWA Website at: https://lpwa.org/ and we will also let you know more as everything is finalized in next month’s Voluntaryist update. It would be awesome to see you there, so if you’re close enough for a visit, come on out!

We will also be general attendees at PorcFest XX in New Hampshire. We’ve always wanted to visit this legendary liberty meetup, so we figured what better time to do it than for the big 20th anniversary! Tickets and details for that event can be found at https://porcfest.com/ if you’re thinking about going too.

And lastly, we’d like to thank our sponsor Agorist Nexus for their longtime Voluntaryist support! Agorist Nexus is a great resource for thinking outside the state as they showcase off-grid living tactics, cryptocurrency reviews and suggestions, and host an Agorist business listing directory.

You can check out their work and connect over at: https://agoristnexus.com/

Fun Agorist Nexus fact: We also recorded a funky promotional song for them a few years back. You can give it a listen on YouTube here:

and get a sense of what they’re all about.

Looking forward to updating you next month with more details on the Voluntaryist comic and on our other projects and excursions!

Stay awesome,

J ( :

P.S. If you made it this far, I have a bonus sneak peek for you. I am currently working on my AnCap Comix publishing and publicity site at: https://ancapcomix.com/

It’s going to be a site featuring liberty-oriented creators in the comic, graphic novel, and fictional novel space, as well as the umbrella identity for the Voluntaryist comic universe. (You may have already noticed this brand on the bottom right corners of the Voluntaryist Origins comic books.) In addition, I’m building a mentorship community to help you if you’re trying to create your own work of fiction in the comic book or printed novel genre. This is a soft-launch sneak peek, so be sure to check out all the pages on the Website and subscribe to the newsletter if you’d like to hear more when we formally launch!

Voluntaryist Origins VI Early Digital Release SENT OUT!

Hello, Voluntaryist fans!

I have some exciting news for you – Christmas just came early!

The digital release of Voluntaryist Origins VI has been sent to the e-mail you used on the Origins VI campaign if you backed it.

The download link will only work for a week’s time, so don’t delay in getting your EARLY digital download of Issue 6!

We’re still diligently working on the remasters and additional art pieces, so stay tuned for further details in the coming year as we finish Origins I and II and print out your comic perks.

And, speaking of Christmas, if you’re looking for a great gift for that liberty-loving friend or family member, Libertarian Country is the place to shop!

Libertarian Country is an ad sponsor of Origins VI and, in thanks to you, the backers, for supporting this comic issue, they are offering you an additional 10 percent off with their discount code:


They have t-shirts, hats, hoodies, stickers, canvas prints, posters, and mugs!

Their wide variety of liberty-oriented merch is sure to bring a smile on Christmas!

So go give them a look and see what you can pick up with our special Voluntaryist discount code over at:



And be sure to check out the Pholosopher’s Market shop within Libertarian Country as well for our custom shirts:

Looking forward to updating you on the next Voluntaryist Origins VI development!

Merry Christmas in liberty,

-J ( :

Don’t forget that the 10 percent off code at Libertarian Country is:



Voluntaryist Origins VI Sneak Peek Update 4

Hello Voluntaryist fans!

Hope you are doing well as we kick off November!

We are working diligently on the Voluntaryist remasters and bonus art with everything going according to plan so far.

To show you a more in-depth look at what we’re doing with the remaster, I made a little video covering what we’re changing as we update Origins I and II to have the same art style as the rest of the series.

You can watch that sneak peek at:


I think you’ll be impressed at how much better the sequential pages look with the new inks, colors, and lettering!

(A sneak peek of one of the Voluntaryist team art print layouts.)

And, speaking of improving, if you want to improve your portfolio diversification, I highly recommend checking out one of our Voluntaryist Origins VI sponsors, Taggart Trading!**

Taggart Trading deals in bullion, rare coins, and precious metals, which are especially important to consider holding on to in these inflationary times!

Taggart Trading’s owner Marc Tancer is not only a friend, but I can personally recommend his services as I have used them time and again over the years.

What’s unique about Marc is that he’s not just some large corporate chain where you’re dealing with a series of intermediaries. Marc is both the expert and the executive and offers you personalized service whether you’re looking to just break into precious metals for the first time or want to order large quantities.

Check out his Website over at: http://southfloridabullion.com/

and be sure to give him a call when you’re ready to set yourself up for success in 2023.

It’s a great time to investigate the benefits of precious metals in your portfolio!

Looking forward to updating you next month on the Voluntaryist comic progress.

In liberty,

-J ( :


**This is not investment advice. Please seek a competent investment professional if you need investment advice.

Voluntaryist Origins VI Sneak Peek Update 3 + ANTISTATE

Hello, Voluntaryist fans!

Hope you are doing well this October.

I have all good news to share as we have fully completed the colors and lettering for the Origins VI standalone issue and all final advertisement placements have come in.

That said, we are still diligently working on the rest of the project goals, from remastering Origins I and II to the additional art pieces that come with perk packages.

On that note of additional art pieces, one of the artists for those pieces is Aimée McLernon.

Aimée McLernon is an incredibly talented, multi-media artist and graphic designer whose professionalism and unique style places her as one of my favorite artists of all time.

She also happens to be one of the ad sponsors of this issue and, with that, is offering her creative talents for your illustration needs, from comic art to graphic design, to even 2D animation!

So, if you’re looking for someone to help you create a logo, put together a beautiful flier, or conceptualize a character for your own comic project, give her services a look.

She comes personally recommended as I can attest to her skills and professionalism from my own work with her on Voluntaryist.

Lumbertarian Game Card Sneak Peek

Check out her business Website at:


And see for yourself her beautiful portfolio. Plus, she also has her own comic book series you can scope out called Reality Hackers – a psychological thriller of the cyberpunk genre.

Looking forward to updating you next month on the latest Voluntaryist Origins progress!

In liberty,

-J ( :



Our ANTISTATE music video campaign ends TONIGHT, Saturday, Oct. 1st! If you’ve ever wanted to see your name in the credits of an AWESOME music video, or be an executive producer to one, make sure to head on over and check out those perks so we can make this music video the best one yet! 

Thank you for your support! ( :



Livestream link: https://youtu.be/B5SJ8361uYs

Voluntaryist Origins VI Comic Sneak Peek Update 1

Hello, Voluntaryist fans!

Hope you are having a great start to your week with August kicking off!

I wanted to update you on the progress of the comic and let you know that everything is going smoothly!

We’ve already finished the pencils on Origins VI, in part, because I had been working on them even before the campaign started and, in other part, because our primary penciller has prioritized working on Voluntaryist, helping us get more pages completed sooner than expected.

The pencils for Origins VI are already off to the inker/colorist and are being worked on right now with an expected completion by or before the end of September.

Once those inks and colors wrap, they will then come back to me so I can lay down the lettering.

To celebrate this milestone, I am sharing with you a sneak peek from the Origins VI pencils and one from the art prints!

Voluntaryist Origins VI Pencils Sneak Peek 1
Lumbertarian Character Sheet Sneak Peek 1

Pretty cool, huh?

A quick reminder to our advertisement sponsors – please be sure to submit your ads for review by or before Wednesday, August 24th, so we can have a chance to check over them and make sure they’re good-to-go for both specs and fit.

You can send that proof to mr.voluntary(at)gmail(dot)com.

And on that note of our ad sponsors, I will be thanking each sponsor as we go through our updates!

Up first, I would like to thank Kirk of CJRoasting.com for his generous support on both this campaign and on our I DID NOT CONSENT music video. Kirk owns a coffee bean company at https://cjroasting.com/ selling organic and fair-trade coffee.

Custom Joe Roasting

So if you’re looking to try something new while supporting those who care about individual liberty, give CJ Roasting a try!

He has a variety of blends, from light roast to dark roast.

And thank you everyone here for helping us continue to succeed.

We’ve seen a bump in Voluntaryist comic interest on the heels of Eric July’s RIPPAVERSE comic universe launch, so these are some exciting times for the alternative comic book world!

Looking forward to updating you soon on our next developments.

In liberty,

-J ( :


Rippaverse Fan Art Submission Isom with Voluntaryist

In celebration of Eric July’s success, I have made this fan art of Isom from the Rippaverse with Voluntaryist of AnCap Comix. It’s incredible to see how far Eric has come with his work and how much he is paving the way for an exit from the SJW statist paradigm for both comic fans and comic creators.

Isom greets Voluntaryist

I am looking forward to seeing more fan art submissions for the Rippaverse campaign 400K stretch goal.

Be sure to support the Rippaverse Isom No. 1 campaign before close at https://rippaverse.com There are tons of great ways to get involved with the campaign, from comics, to posters, to hats and shirts.

Let’s keep the rally going!

In liberty,

-J ( :

Join the Rippaverse at: https://rippaverse.com

Rippaverse by Eric July launches Monday, June 11th!

Eric July’s new comic book universe titled, “Rippaverse,” will be launching on Monday, June 11th at https://rippaverse.com/. I am personally excited to check out and support his launch because I believe this series is going to inspire people to exit the mainstream comic paradigm in leaps and bounds beyond what has already been accomplished via Ethan van Sciver and ComicsGate. Eric is truly paving the way for what I think will be the house of cards coming down for Marvel/D.C., and I expect many to benefit from his bold approach both as consumers and as indie comic creators.

I urge the Voluntaryist fanbase here to share his site and to pick up something from his launch so that, through his success, we can all see the much-needed change materialize in stark contrast from the hackneyed repackaging done with beloved characters like Superman and Spiderman.

Plus, the fact that Eric has a solid team on this issue with former D.C. artists Cliff Richards and Gabe Eltaeb is sure to make this series come alive with sharp visuals and stunning colors.

I will be covering the launch on a ZeroState livestream tomorrow night and will also be reviewing whatever perks I can snag with The Pholosopher once those get shipped to us.

Thank you so much, everyone, for joining me in supporting Eric July as we watch a new era in comics unfold before our eyes.

In liberty,

-J ( :

Rippaverse link: https://rippaverse.com/

Voluntaryist Origins VI is a success! Next steps.

Hello Voluntaryist fans!

We did it!

The 10th Anniversary Voluntaryist campaign is a complete success with both hitting goal and unlocking 3 stretch goals!

This means that all physical perk backers will be getting a bonus sticker for hitting goal and those at the print comic tier and above will also be getting the bonus character sheet, bonus game card, and Voluntaryist team art print on top.

To thank you for going above and beyond for this issue, I am going to go ahead and unlock the 4th stretch goal bonus and add that to your perk packages as my way of saying, Thank you!” for giving me this opportunity to take the Origins story and put it into a start-to-finish remastered read. So that will add on another Voluntaryist art print and a die cut sticker to your perk packages at the print comic tier and higher.

I could not have made it this far if it was not for your generous support and trust in building out the Voluntaryist universe.

That said, there are some important details for you to be aware of so that everything goes smoothly as I work toward creating the comics and fulfilling the perks.

I will be working incrementally on the comic sequentials, starting with issue VI. I have already completed over a dozen pencil pages for issue VI, but we still need to finish the rest of the issue and then lay the inks, colors, and letters.

As I am working incrementally, issue VI will be finished first before the Origins I and II remasters.

I plan on shipping out the issue VI perks as soon as that issue and the associated perks are ready.

This means that those who got the trade paperback or the I-VI single issue set will get their perks later when the remasters and new covers are complete.

I estimate that the issue VI perks could be finished by the end of 2022 to early 2023.

The trade paperback will likely take until closer to the estimated delivery date in late 2023 because it involves both remastering issues 1 and 2 and adding more pages to give extra lettering space.

I will be making updates at least once per month through the Indiegogo page and in parallel on the http://volcomic.com Website.

So, if you are ever wondering what’s going on with the development, please be sure to check with either site so you can get the latest progression update.

I will also give everyone a heads-up update message whenever I plan to do shipment.

Please be sure to update your address if you have moved or plan to move by the time shipping is to take place.

You can log into the Indiegogo dashboard for this campaign and update your address there for us. You can also e-mail me at mr.voluntary(at)gmail(dot)com if you have any trouble logging in with the email you used for your perk purchase.

You can read the Indiegogo FAQ for more helpful information:


If you are an advertiser, please get in touch with me at least a week before the end of August, 2022, so that we can go over your ad to make sure it’s fit for print. I sent all advertisers an e-mail detailing the format with the comic book template attached for respective single and double-page ads. If you did not get this, check your spam box. If it’s not there, please message me at mr.voluntary(at)gmail(dot)com so that I can make sure you have the needed sizing specs and template for your ad.

For those who chose the “donation” option on Indiegogo (which really should be labelled “gift” because we’re not a charitable organization), you will not be getting a perk. You can tell that this was selected if you did not get a prompt for putting in your shipping information when you checked out (minus the digital early release which has no shipping). If you did this in error, but would like to get a perk, please let me know what tier you supported with by emailing me at mr.voluntary(at)gmail(dot)com and I will invoice you for the shipping to get your shipment address.

This is going to be a wild ride getting this project done, but I have never been more thankful and excited because this finished compendium is going to make Voluntaryist a serious competitor in the alt comics world with having the Origins story in a completed format I can readily showcase for convention tabling.

Cheers to us in helping be the change we want to see, especially with the direction mainstream comics have taken these past few years.

You are AWESOME!

In liberty,

-J ( :

Campaign link: https://igg.me/at/origins6

Website: https://volcomic.com/

E-mail: mr.voluntary(at)gmail(dot)com

Voluntaryist VI Second Stretch Goal NOW UNLOCKED!

Hello, Voluntarist fans!

I am happy to announce that the second stretch goal is officially UNLOCKED!


Everyone at the print comic book tier and higher will now be receiving a new game card prototype in addition to the bonus character sheet from passing stretch goal No. 1 along with the bonus sticker for reaching goal.

So again, if you are currently supporting at a tier lower than the print comic, you’re definitely going to want to upgrade now to reap the bonus perks as you’ll be getting not one, not two, BUT THREE bonus items!

And, on top of that, we’re going to be making variant covers for Origins IV and V for a mainstream appeal.

As we still have about a week to go, there’s plenty of time to unlock stretch goal number 3 to add another bonus item to your perk packages.

Getting there is as simple as everyone sharing the comic campaign here:


to their social media and letting others know what we’re doing. The more awareness, the more of a chance we have to gain support and reach a record-breaking accomplishment that will set the Voluntaryist series up as a serious competitor in the alternative comic book space.

We’re also doing our part to get the word out and have been promoting Voluntaryist on a number of shows and will be doing even more this upcoming week.

If you want to listen to some of our recent interviews, you can here:

On Hank Strange: https://utreon.com/v/-8D-ghp-Ru6

On Critical Blast: https://youtu.be/uhO_KDnqCD0

On Immortal Rising Comics: https://youtu.be/ar8w1Iq4-NA

On Freshly Based: https://youtu.be/eU2EcR2MOLU

Thank you again, everyone, for your generous support.

This 10th anniversary is groundbreaking for the series, and I genuinely believe this trade paperback compendium is going to put Voluntaryist on the map, especially in the ComicsGate community.

On that note, we will soon be announcing an official time for our campaign end livestream next week, but it will likely be Thursday, June 30th, around 9 p.m. Eastern on The Pholosopher YouTube channel.

So be sure to join in with us then as we celebrate with you and close in on that 3rd stretch goal!

Looking forward in liberty,

-J ( :

Campaign link:


Voluntaryist Origins VI First Stretch Goal Unlocked!

Hello, Voluntaryist fans!

I have some exciting news! As of today, June 2nd, the first STRETCH GOAL has been UNLOCKED!


What this means is that ALL print comic tier and higher backers will now receive a BONUS character sheet art print in addition to all their other perk goodies and the bonus sticker for hitting goal.

On top of that, I will be creating a variant cover for Origins V.

Those who got the 1-6 perk set will receive an Origins V issue with the new cover!

If you are still sitting on the fence with a lower perk tier, now’s the time to upgrade to the print copy because you are guaranteed BOTH the bonus sticker AND the bonus character art sheet!

There’s still plenty of time for us to move on up too and unlock the other listed stretch goals, so be sure to share the campaign to your social media so that more goodies can be released as we go further in the campaign.

On a separate note, both Pho and I will be going on more interviews and hosting more streams to promote the comic series coming up.

One of the interviews on the #comicsgate track will be with the Critical Blast Podcast on Wednesday, June 8th, at 8 p.m. Eastern.


We will be streaming live and sharing our story about how the Voluntaryist universe came to life and what we’ve been working on over the years.

If you’re free, pop on in and say “Hi!” during the stream so we can help pump up the visibility metrics and get the word out.

Thank you so much again, everyone, for your generous time and help in getting Voluntaryist to this record-breaking momentum!

I think you’re going to LOVE all the work we’re putting into it with the new art and remastering.

Looking forward to sharing the next update with you soon!

-J & P

Campaign Link: https://igg.me/at/origins6

Voluntaryist Origins VI Comic Campaign Now LIVE!

Hello, Voluntaryist fans!

The Voluntaryist Origins VI comic campaign is NOW LIVE on Indiegogo here:


If you would please, head on over to the campaign page and grab yourself an AMAZING perk in support of the FINAL ISSUE in the Voluntaryist Origins arc.

This campaign is extra special as it’s the 10th Anniversary for Voluntaryist – The Comic Series.

In light of that special occasion, we’re also remastering issues 1 and 2 and brining the entire series into a special trade paperback!

Even if you don’t have change to spare, you can help us get the word out by sharing the campaign link here:


To your social media.

Thank you so much for your generous support,

-J ( :

Campaign link: https://igg.me/at/origins6

My first-ever non-fiction book: The Definitive Guide to Libertarian Voluntaryism

Hello, Voluntaryist fans!

While you may have come to know me for my fictional Voluntaryist comic book story, I finally decided to make my first non-fiction book in line with the Voluntaryist universe.

It’s the culmination of 15 years of activism and study within the libertarian-Voluntaryist spectrum.

It’s NOT a history book.

It’s NOT a summary of other’s works.

It’s not a bunch of pull-quotes from past thinkers.

This is my unifying the fields of property rights and consent ethics theories into a universal philosophy that anyone can readily relate to and defend.

By the nature of the work, it will be challenging in many ways because it introduces a new basis by which to framework WHY one would want to uphold property rights and consent ethics.

You’ll be surprised, intrigued, and provoked to deeper investigation in the process.

But, unlike many other libertarian works, I’ve distilled the concepts into the minimum description needed to get people to understand the basics and their applications.

That makes it accessible for anyone, whether you’re a seasoned Misesian or are new to Voluntaryist thought.

No matter what, I hope you enjoy the ride and that it at least sharpens your thinking in the process.

Cheers to your kind support, from helping me refine my thoughts in conversation, to getting your own edition for the liberty bookshelf!

In liberty,

-J ( :

Available here: https://amzn.to/3gVuTn2

(Affiliate link)

Voluntaryist Origins V Perks Have All Shipped

Hello, Voluntaryist fans!

All Origins V comic perks have been SHIPPED!


If you’re a U.S. backer, you should see your perk within 1-2 weeks.
International backers should see theirs within 2-4 weeks.

If you do not receive anything by Jan. 2, 2022, please contact me through the Indiegogo dashboard or via email at mr.voluntary(at)gmail(dot)com so I can check on your perk and replace it if it ended up getting lost in the mail.

If you want to pick up any past print issues, you can over on Indyplanet here:


Origins V will be available for print copy purchase on Indyplanet soon, but the rest of the past issues are up and ready for selection.
And, if you’re looking for something special to give that liberty-loving family member or friend this Christmas, check out the Voluntaryist Store over at:


There’s all kinds of liberty goodies- from shirts, to stickers, to hats, and buttons- all with a liberty theme!

And, MOST IMPORTANTLY, please remember to check out, share, and support the next Voluntaryist campaign for Origins VI when it launches, tentatively, summer, 2022.

We will not only be completing the Origins arc with issue VI, but also hope to remake Origins I and II to bring the series into conformity with the later artist’s designs, and, put ALL the Voluntaryist Origins comics into a single trade paperback compendium.

It will be an essential collectible for any Voluntaryist fan.
Thank you so much for believing in me and the Voluntaryist comic book series. I could not have accomplished this feat without your generous support over the years.

Let’s make 2022 the best year for liberty yet!

With eternal gratitude,

-J ( :


Projected Shipping Delay for Origins V Due To Printer

Hello Voluntaryist fans!

Hope you are doing well.

I wanted to give you an early heads-up that there is a delay from the printer (Ka-Blam). 


Link to the post: https://www.facebook.com/KaBlamDigitalPrinting/…

I had placed my order for Origins V on September 30th:

And was crossing my fingers that all of the government malfeaseance wouldn’t have an impact…

But sadly (and predictably), all of the state tyranny has had a cumulative effect on supply chains and shipments.

That said, I have worked with Ka-Blam for 10 years because they are one of the largest comic printers in the world and are reliable for getting the final product to completion.

So I’m not worried at all about the comic’s eventual printing…just sad that it will take a little longer than expected.

I will keep you updated on when they finally get to my order and let you know when I think the comics will be out to you by.

If will you end up moving by the time of the projected shipment, please do reach out to me through the Indiegogo dashboard and let me know your updated address, or email me at mr.voluntary(at)gmail(dot)com with your order information and I will make sure your package goes to your updated address.

Thanks again for your generous support!

Looking forward,

-J ( :

Sneak Peek 5 – Voluntaryist Origins V

Hello, Voluntaryist fans!

We are drawing CLOSE to completion of the Voluntaryist Origins V design process.

The first draft of letters is complete and the review + wrap on page arrangement is approaching shortly.

Here’s another sneak peek for you from the process:

That said, if you have moved or are planning to move soon, please UPDATE your address before we close update opportunities to prepare for printing and later shipment.

You can do so through the Indiegogo dashboard.

Once the comic wraps for print submission, the digital copy will be sent out to backers.

You’ll be seeing something in your e-mail VERY SOON. ( ;

That all said, Pho and I have a CRITICAL project we are working on that could really use your support.

Our latest song, DISOBEY, is currently funding for the music video production part on Indiegogo here:


This is a sequel song to MASK ORDER which has nearly 100,000 views on YouTube alone.


We want to make this music video BIGGER, and BETTER than Mask Order and, to do that, we need the resources to be able to get more props, hire actors, and afford set help.

We’ve been pretty successful so far as you can see:

But that present success doesn’t have to be the end of the story.

With your additional support, we can increase our production quality and accomplish more hard-hitting shots that are guaranteed to make people think about how much the government has ruined our lives these past 2 years.

So, if you have not already, please consider heading over to the campaign here:


to help us reach our next goal.

We’re almost to the second STRETCH GOAL:

Which will allow us to make another provocative art piece to send to backers at the art print tier or higher. It’s an art piece that is sure to turn heads and will be used for online promotion to rally the culture against the lockdowns, shutdowns, and mandates.

So THANK YOU to everyone who has supported the comic AND the music video’s creation and promotion.

You’re stepping up to turn the culture against the totalitarian police state.

Looking forward to the next update which will be the one letting you know that the comic has been sent out digitally to backers and to the printer’s.

Thank you for taking a stand with us!

In liberty,

-Jack & Pho

Campaign link:


Sneak Peek 4 for Voluntaryist Origins V +DISOBEY Music Video

Hello, Voluntaryist fans!

The Voluntaryist Origins V colors are underway, so I have another sneak peek for you from the coloring process:

Also, if you have not already heard, Pho and I recorded and released a new song called, “DISOBEY,” taking on the tyrannical lockdown, shutdown, and mask/pass mandates.

You can listen to DISOBEY here:

We’re raising funds to create the music video as a sequel to our popular song, MASK ORDER, which has nearly 100,000 views on YouTube alone.

The campaign ends in a few weeks here: https://igg.me/at/disobey

And we’ve already hit the minimum amount we needed to create a basic video.

However, we still have room to grow because we want to get more props, actors, and set help, possibly letting us afford a bigger production crew with advanced filming equipment if we hit 10K.

Your support helps us create another hard-hitting, through-provoking culture piece in defiance of the police state.

So, if able, please consider joining the campaign and getting rewarded with some great perks.

We’ve even unlocked the first stretch goal, so those supporting at the sticker level or higher will already be eligible for EXTRA goodies.

Thank you again, as always, for your generous belief in our work.

In liberty,

-J ( :

Campaign Link: https://igg.me/at/disobey

Pencils finished! On to inking and coloring.

Hello, Voluntaryist fans!

I hope you are having an AMAZING start to your weekend.

We just finished up all 24 penciled pages for Voluntaryist Origins V and have now moved onto the inking and coloring process.

Everything is going well so far and is on-track for success.

I’ve also been working on the perk designs and have even finished and printed the latest Voluntaryist game card. The new card for Bastiat is quite the beaut! ( ;

In celebration of this, here’s a little sneak peek from the penciled pages:

I am looking forward to updating you when I have the next major development.

In liberty,

-J ( :

P.S. If you want to get yourself past print copies of Voluntaryist, you can do so at: https://indyplanet.com/?s=Voluntaryist

Also, Pho and I will be at Tom Woods 2000th Podcast event in Orlando. Tickets to the main event are free, and this will be one of the BIGGEST gatherings for liberty this year.

You won’t want to miss out!

You can learn more join the fun by visiting: http://tomwoods2000.com/

Hope to see you there!

Voluntaryist Origins V is a SUCCESS! Next steps. ( :

Hello, Voluntaryist fans!


The Voluntaryist Origins V comic book campaign is a 100%-funded success!

And we managed to not just unlock 1, but 2 STRETCH GOAL PERKS!

Everyone who supported at the print comic perk tier or higher will also be receiving an Agora character print and a NEW Voluntaryist team art print.

So thank YOU for your help in getting us to an AMAZING finish.

What’s next now that the campaign is officially closed?

The pencils for Origins V need to be wrapped first. I had been working on the pencils for a while, so we’re almost finished with all 24 pages and should be done with those in the next few weeks.

After penciling completes, the pages then go to the inker and colorist. That process should take 30-60 days depending on how booked those artists are.

When the colors and inks finish, they then will come back to me for lettering. I will probably be able to finish letters within a week of colors receipt.

Once the letters are done, it’s off to printing at Ka-Blam. Depending on how booked Ka-Blam is with conventions, the print and return process can take 40-80 days.

Once I get the print comics, I will then pack them in your perk mailers with your ordered extras/bonuses and ship them off to you!

I will be updating on the comic’s progress on Indiegogo and at http://volcomic.com, so you can keep up with the latest developments and see what stage the comic is at as we work on it.

If you end up needing to change your address because you will be moving in the next 3-4 months, you can always reach out through the Indiegogo dashboard or with an email to mr.voluntary (at) gmail (dot) com and I can update your order’s address to ensure your package gets to you.

I want to make sure that everyone gets what they ordered.

And, on that note of orders, there is an occasional accident where someone picks “Donation” instead of “Perk” on the campaign. You can tell if you did this because you did not enter in your address information.

If you accidentally selected “donation” instead of a perk, please reach out so I can notate what tier you qualify for and get your shipping remainder. I want to make sure you get your all of your goodies so you don’t miss out when the print comics arrive!

Thank you again, everyone, for your generous support of this latest Voluntaryist issue.

I am especially thrilled to be where we’re at with this series because the next issue (Origins VI) will be the last issue in the Origins arc!

It feels special to be so close to completing an entire Voluntaryist arc for the first time.

You’re forever a part of that history now.

Looking forward to updating you soon on the next stage.

In liberty,

-J ( :