What does it mean to be truly free?

Archive for March, 2016

Shielding Assange: The Voluntaryists vs. the NSA 2 Comic Campaign NOW LIVE!

Shielding Assange: The Voluntaryists vs. the NSA 2

Shielding Assange: The Voluntaryists vs. the NSA 2


Hello friends!

I am excited to announce that the latest comic campaign, Shielding Assange: The Voluntaryists vs. the NSA 2, is now live on Indiegogo.com.

This issue is the sequel to our last, Saving Snowden: the Voluntaryists versus the NSA.
This time, Snowden and Assange will be teaming up to take on the NSA, but not before the government makes an attempt at taking them out.
If you would, please share our campaign link on your social media accounts whether Facebook, Twitter, Google+, YouTube or otherwise, and check out our great perk lineup! We have action figures, super-suits, and comic appearances available.
I’m looking forward to another successful publishing to promote voluntaryist values in the comic medium.
With gratitude and in liberty,
-J ( :