What does it mean to be truly free?

Archive for May, 2016

SUCCESS! Shielding Assange: The Voluntaryists vs. the NSA 2

shielding assange successHello friends!

WOW! That’s what I have to say to what has become the second-highest supported Voluntaryist comic of all time! Shielding Assange: The Voluntaryists versus the NSA 2 is now set to become the longest issue to date, beating the record 14 pages from last issue. We managed to raise $2,833- an INCREDIBLE FEAT! I’m the most excited for this issue out of any because the page space will allow for major developments on all fronts: character, narrative, action, and liberty!

The funds will be disbursed to me in the next 2 weeks. Afterward, I will be working to make sure the story is set just right to the budget raised. The script will then go to our primary artist for review. He will then work with me on the storyboarding and hash out the inked pages. After inking, the pages go to the colorists and letterers and then back to me for final approval. If all goes as planned, we should be getting out the digital comic just into the fall months and the physical comic just before winter, if not sooner.

Those who ordered non-comic perks will begin to see those sent out within the next month in June.

If you ordered the latest issue bundled with a perk, you will receive your comic and your perks together. Check the estimated delivery date on the Indiegogo.com campaign to see when it will be complete as well as our updates here.

If you will be moving in the coming months, please make sure to update your address for any perks. I will be posting updates through Indiegogo.com to remind you, but can always let us know via e-mail at mr.voluntary[at}gmail.com

If you have any questions or comments, please always feel free to reach out on the Website at http://volcomic.com on the Facebook page at http://facebook.com/volcomics or again directly via e-mail at mr.voluntary{at}gmail.com.

While working on this issue, I will be also preparing plans to make the full origins graphic novel. The origins story of Voluntaryist has been about 4 years in the making, but I never built a campaign around it because I felt that the fandom wasn’t large enough to rally support. After seeing Captain America: Civil War’s success and the 3,000+ fans now on the Voluntaryist facebook page, I think the time has finally come to create the foundation masterpiece.

Thank you again for believing in this comic series. It’s great to finally have something of substance in the entertainment world that truly embraces free markets, free minds, and voluntary living.

With humble appreciation and love,

-J ( :