What does it mean to be truly free?

Archive for June, 2023

Isom 2 Rippaverse Campaign Launch

Isom 2 Campaign Launch Trailer

Hello, Voluntaryist fans!

The Rippaverse released their 2nd publication’s pre-order today with Isom 2. I’m excited to get my copy and promote the series as it builds the parallel economy and furthers the comicsgate exit.

I also released the 5th installment of my “SJW Commie Reacts” videos. It’s a hilarious encapsulation of the Rippaverse haters.

Check it out here: https://youtu.be/QuM5DfC5ZrI

And be sure to join in and support the latest Rippaverse campaign over at: https://rippaverse.com/product/isom-2-campaign/

Plus, they have an AMAZING animated trailer for Isom 2 at: https://youtu.be/fu0XFgA2LmE

Excited to do a review/unboxing video once I get in my perks!

In liberty,

-J ( :

Voluntaryist Origins VI Sneak Peek 10 June 2023

Hello, Voluntaryist fans!

Hope you’re having a great kick-off to the summer with June here.

We have GREAT news for Voluntaryist and other exciting things to let you know about.

Another round of perk fulfillment was completed last month thanks to our finishing the final art print needed to ship out perks up through the signed print comic tier. Those at the art print tier, signed comic tier, and full-page ad tier, had their comic perks shipped out several weeks ago. If for any reason you did not receive yours, please contact me at mr.voluntary(at)gmail(dot)com so I can check on what happened. I did see several people post pictures of their perk’s arrival, so I am happy to see that shipping went well overall.

We are now down to the BIG perk stages: The Origins I-VI series sets and the trade paperbacks.

At the time of this writing, we are 26 pages fully completed out of 38 through Origins II with pencils almost finished. The Origins II cover remaster is still in progress, along with the Origins I cover/TPB cover.

You can see some sneak peeks of that here:

Everything is looking good time-wise with a strong indication that we will have your perks out to you before the campaign-expected delivery of December, 2023.

And remember, we want to make sure that everyone gets their perks when it is time for delivery. If you will be moving come August, 2023, be sure to update your address through Indiegogo so that we can make sure your perk pack makes it to you. We don’t want anyone to have their package lost, so make sure to update us as soon as you’re certain you’re moving.

Details on how to do that can be found HERE.

In other exciting news, both Pho and I will be performing our music at Porcfest XX this year, including the Break the Great Reset song! If you’re going to be in attendance, or are on the edge, come on out to see us! We will be singing at the mainstage pavilion (the PAV) on Tuesday, June 20th, from 6-7 p.m. We will also be performing a couple of songs for EMO NIGHT at the PAV thanks to the Emo Caucus on Thursday, June 22nd, at 8:45-9:15 p.m.

Along with our music, we have a few speaking engagements as well: One for the Libertarian Party tent from 2-3 p.m. on that same Tuesday, June 20th, and one on Wednesday, June 21st, at 1 p.m. for the Free State Project Liberty 101 seminar. Topics will include “Thinking Outside the State,” “Intro to Voluntaryism,” and “Finding Your Inspiration in Liberty.”

Tickets and details for Porcfest can be found at: https://porcfest.com/

Hope to see you there!

Speaking of performance, we also just released a NEW song called I WILL NOT TAKE THE SHOT. It’s an alternative rock song that’s sure to energize your spirit in resistance to forced medical experimentation.

Give it a listen and a like over at: https://youtu.be/GcGFmF8HuM4

The song builds up with intensity, so be sure to give it a chance with a listen through to the end. ( ;

Looking forward to updating you on our next developments with Voluntaryist Origins VI!

In liberty,

-J ( :