What does it mean to be truly free?

Archive for March, 2018

Voluntaryist Origins II – Indiegogo Campaign Now Live!

Voluntaryist Origins II Comic Cover

Hello Voluntaryist fans!

The Voluntaryist Origins II comic campaign is now live on Indiegogo. Click this link to check out the campaign: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/voluntaryist-origins-ii-comic/x/952007#/

Voluntaryist Origins II Comic Cover


This next issue continues the story of how Jack Lloyd comes to be Voluntaryist as  government agents confront Jack, questioning him about his newfound powers.

If you would, please share the campaign link to your social media platforms on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Reddit, and Steemit to help spread the word as we bring the message of liberty to the comic world.

Thank you again for your support in helping to make the Voluntaryist comic series a success! We could not have come this far without you and your dedicated fandom!
In liberty,