What does it mean to be truly free?

Sneak Peek 4 for Voluntaryist Origins V +DISOBEY Music Video

Hello, Voluntaryist fans!

The Voluntaryist Origins V colors are underway, so I have another sneak peek for you from the coloring process:

Also, if you have not already heard, Pho and I recorded and released a new song called, “DISOBEY,” taking on the tyrannical lockdown, shutdown, and mask/pass mandates.

You can listen to DISOBEY here:

We’re raising funds to create the music video as a sequel to our popular song, MASK ORDER, which has nearly 100,000 views on YouTube alone.

The campaign ends in a few weeks here: https://igg.me/at/disobey

And we’ve already hit the minimum amount we needed to create a basic video.

However, we still have room to grow because we want to get more props, actors, and set help, possibly letting us afford a bigger production crew with advanced filming equipment if we hit 10K.

Your support helps us create another hard-hitting, through-provoking culture piece in defiance of the police state.

So, if able, please consider joining the campaign and getting rewarded with some great perks.

We’ve even unlocked the first stretch goal, so those supporting at the sticker level or higher will already be eligible for EXTRA goodies.

Thank you again, as always, for your generous belief in our work.

In liberty,

-J ( :

Campaign Link: https://igg.me/at/disobey

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