What does it mean to be truly free?

Voluntaryist Origins V Print Comics Have Arrived – Next Steps

Hello, Voluntaryist fans!

I have some great news!

The Origins V comic came in a bit earlier than expected with the delays over at the printer, as you can see here:

They are out, in my hands, and looking AMAZING!

I will be working on fulfillment over the next month.

I am still waiting on one final stretch goal art piece to be finished so I can add it to your perk packages, but once that is in, they should be out to you shortly.

If all goes well, Christmas should come early for Voluntaryist Origins V backers!

If you are moving from your listed address by December, please do update your address with me through the Indiegogo dashboard or by contacting me with your perk information from Indiegogo at mr.voluntary(at)gmail.com

I want to make sure everyone gets what they ordered!

Thank you again as always for your generous support.

Looking forward in liberty,

-J ( :

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