What does it mean to be truly free?

Posts tagged “nirvana modern band

Voluntaryist Suit Saga One Sneak Peek Update No. 2

Hello, Voluntaryist fans!

Hope you are doing well as we kick off the month of March!

I have WONDERFUL news to share with you.

We’ve already gotten in all the printed comics back from the printer.

This is the fastest we’ve ever turned around print comics on a campaign, so I am impressed at how far we’ve come on production speed!

That said, we also have another first because of this – it’s the first time we’re still having to wrap the bonus perk items because we did so well on the campaign!

We’re moving as fast as we can to finalize the last couple of bonus prints so we can get all of those to the printer.

Once those wrap, then we’ll be good-to-go on putting the perk packages together and shipping them out.

In the meantime, I’m just over here reeling with excitement, looking over the comic stacks as they all came out SO beautifully.

Truly, art to treasure.

Speaking of art to treasure, I wanted to thank some more sponsors whose art is worthy of praise!

The alternative rock group, Wonderbad, sounds like the spirit of Nirvana reimagined for the modern age.

If you’ve ever had a thing for Seattle Grunge, or just like the aesthetic of solid rock music generally, THIS IS A BAND TO PEEP.

I am not exaggerating when I say they sound like Kurt Cobain resurrected.

What’s even more intriguing is that this band’s lead singer is none other than the son of the Tuttle Twins!

Well, not literally of the fictional characters, but of the co-creator/illustrator Elijah Stanfield.

Wild, I know.

So not only is the Wonderbad team incredibly talented, the lead singer is the progeny of the legendary Tuttle Twins artist himself!

Even more reason to check them out and see the family’s talents in action.

You can listen to their music on:

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@wonderbad5332/videos

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/7hcbwXuRfIBFMZ0Ra2231V

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wonderbadband/?hl=en

And Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wonderbad/

When you drop by, make sure to leave a comment letting them know that Voluntaryist sent you!

It will mean the world to them.

(But I guarantee you – you’re going to mean it when you turn up the volume and give them a listen. It’s something else!)

Thank you so much again, everyone, for staying up-to-date with us as we roll through our production process.

We cannot wait to show you what we work on next as we get closer toward fulfilling your orders.

Talk to you soon!

J ( :


P.S.  We’re going to be launching our next music video campaign in the coming month. If you want to be notified of when it goes live, check out the pre-launch page over at: https://igg.me/at/endthefed and buckle up for what’s going to be an INCREDIBLE music video inspiring others to END THE FED.