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Posts tagged “eric july indy comic

Voluntaryist Origins V is a SUCCESS! Next steps. ( :

Hello, Voluntaryist fans!


The Voluntaryist Origins V comic book campaign is a 100%-funded success!

And we managed to not just unlock 1, but 2 STRETCH GOAL PERKS!

Everyone who supported at the print comic perk tier or higher will also be receiving an Agora character print and a NEW Voluntaryist team art print.

So thank YOU for your help in getting us to an AMAZING finish.

What’s next now that the campaign is officially closed?

The pencils for Origins V need to be wrapped first. I had been working on the pencils for a while, so we’re almost finished with all 24 pages and should be done with those in the next few weeks.

After penciling completes, the pages then go to the inker and colorist. That process should take 30-60 days depending on how booked those artists are.

When the colors and inks finish, they then will come back to me for lettering. I will probably be able to finish letters within a week of colors receipt.

Once the letters are done, it’s off to printing at Ka-Blam. Depending on how booked Ka-Blam is with conventions, the print and return process can take 40-80 days.

Once I get the print comics, I will then pack them in your perk mailers with your ordered extras/bonuses and ship them off to you!

I will be updating on the comic’s progress on Indiegogo and at http://volcomic.com, so you can keep up with the latest developments and see what stage the comic is at as we work on it.

If you end up needing to change your address because you will be moving in the next 3-4 months, you can always reach out through the Indiegogo dashboard or with an email to mr.voluntary (at) gmail (dot) com and I can update your order’s address to ensure your package gets to you.

I want to make sure that everyone gets what they ordered.

And, on that note of orders, there is an occasional accident where someone picks “Donation” instead of “Perk” on the campaign. You can tell if you did this because you did not enter in your address information.

If you accidentally selected “donation” instead of a perk, please reach out so I can notate what tier you qualify for and get your shipping remainder. I want to make sure you get your all of your goodies so you don’t miss out when the print comics arrive!

Thank you again, everyone, for your generous support of this latest Voluntaryist issue.

I am especially thrilled to be where we’re at with this series because the next issue (Origins VI) will be the last issue in the Origins arc!

It feels special to be so close to completing an entire Voluntaryist arc for the first time.

You’re forever a part of that history now.

Looking forward to updating you soon on the next stage.

In liberty,

-J ( :