What does it mean to be truly free?

Posts tagged “origins vi

Voluntaryist Origins VI Sneak Peek Update 5

Hello Voluntaryist fans!

It’s 2023! Happy New Year!

And what’s great about kicking off this new year is that I have received the print copies of Voluntaryist Origins VI!

Boy, do they look BEAUTIFUL!

Many of you have even already received your print copy if your perk was at the game card tier or lower.

Print comic perks at the game card level and below were mailed out on December 19th. If you have not received your print comic yet, please message me at mr.voluntary(at)gmail.com and I will see if your order was lost in the mail and replace it if so. (If you’re an international backer, it may still take another week or 2 with all the holiday busyness.)

As for the rest of the perks at the Art Tier print level and higher, those are still pending as we’re working through the Origins I and II remasters, the I-V cover remasters, and the final art print.

We are doing great schedule-wise as the promised delivery date is December, 2023. (That’s right – in case you forgot – getting the digital copy of Origins VI and the early print shipments are 1 FULL year ahead of promised delivery date. I hope you’re as impressed as I am!)

We are moving as fast as we can to deliver the rest of the perks well-ahead of the promised date, especially so, because we want to be able to launch the next Voluntaryist Arc campaign, SUIT SAGA, in 2023. And we won’t do that until ALL perks on this Origins VI campaign have been shipped.

To give you a sense of where we’re at, at the time of this writing we’ve:

  • Completed and have in our hands the Origins VI print comics.
  • Completed and have in our hands all perk accessories except the $75 tier art print.
  • Shipped out all perks at the Game Card tier and below.
  • Penciled 39 pages of the Origins I remaster.
  • Colored 32 pages of the Origins I remaster.
  • Lettered 32 pages of the Origins I remaster. (that’s me)
  • Got the Origins III, IV, and V comic remasters in production.

PRETTY impressive considering that we normally only have a single comic issue each year of about 24 pages. By summer 2023, we will have completed in 1 year what amounts to 4 comic book creations in total page counts. A record feat!

Stay tuned for when we do our next batch of perk fulfillments as we increment toward total project completion.

And speaking of completion, we would not have been able to achieve as much as we did if not for our ROCKSTAR executive advertisement sponsor, Victoria King.

Victoria has been an early believer in Voluntaryist and our other projects, and wanted to see the Origins Remaster and trade paperback come to fruition – so she went the extra mile on this campaign.

She wants you to check out her book Dear Younger Me, Victim To Victor: A Memoir, as it’s her life’s memoir about overcoming an abusive relationship. She wrote it to help inspire others and bring them healing.

If you’re looking for something unique to help challenge your thinking on relationships, pick up a copy of her book here: 



in special thanks to her for helping this campaign reach goal in record time!

Thank you Victoria, and everyone else here, for your generous support and social media shoutouts! It makes me feel good to see you get your perks in the mail.

And on that note of feeling good–

My and The Pholosopher’s ANTISTATE music video is now live!

You can tune in to watch it on YouTube over at: https://youtu.be/iI9-2uUlXSA

This is one of the COOLEST music videos we’ve created, so be sure to check it out, subscribe, and share it around as we continue to shift the culture toward a true respect of Voluntaryist virtues!

Looking forward to sharing another Voluntaryist development with you next month!

In liberty,

-J ( :

P.S. I’ve been trying to up my review count for Voluntaryist on Amazon Kindle. If you have some credits and would be willing to give an official review, I would greatly appreciate it!

Check it out at: https://amzn.to/3i888ka


Voluntaryist Origins VI Comic Sneak Peek Update 1

Hello, Voluntaryist fans!

Hope you are having a great start to your week with August kicking off!

I wanted to update you on the progress of the comic and let you know that everything is going smoothly!

We’ve already finished the pencils on Origins VI, in part, because I had been working on them even before the campaign started and, in other part, because our primary penciller has prioritized working on Voluntaryist, helping us get more pages completed sooner than expected.

The pencils for Origins VI are already off to the inker/colorist and are being worked on right now with an expected completion by or before the end of September.

Once those inks and colors wrap, they will then come back to me so I can lay down the lettering.

To celebrate this milestone, I am sharing with you a sneak peek from the Origins VI pencils and one from the art prints!

Voluntaryist Origins VI Pencils Sneak Peek 1
Lumbertarian Character Sheet Sneak Peek 1

Pretty cool, huh?

A quick reminder to our advertisement sponsors – please be sure to submit your ads for review by or before Wednesday, August 24th, so we can have a chance to check over them and make sure they’re good-to-go for both specs and fit.

You can send that proof to mr.voluntary(at)gmail(dot)com.

And on that note of our ad sponsors, I will be thanking each sponsor as we go through our updates!

Up first, I would like to thank Kirk of CJRoasting.com for his generous support on both this campaign and on our I DID NOT CONSENT music video. Kirk owns a coffee bean company at https://cjroasting.com/ selling organic and fair-trade coffee.

Custom Joe Roasting

So if you’re looking to try something new while supporting those who care about individual liberty, give CJ Roasting a try!

He has a variety of blends, from light roast to dark roast.

And thank you everyone here for helping us continue to succeed.

We’ve seen a bump in Voluntaryist comic interest on the heels of Eric July’s RIPPAVERSE comic universe launch, so these are some exciting times for the alternative comic book world!

Looking forward to updating you soon on our next developments.

In liberty,

-J ( :
