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Posts tagged “dokumaan 1

Voluntaryist Origins VI Sneak Peek Update 4

Hello Voluntaryist fans!

Hope you are doing well as we kick off November!

We are working diligently on the Voluntaryist remasters and bonus art with everything going according to plan so far.

To show you a more in-depth look at what we’re doing with the remaster, I made a little video covering what we’re changing as we update Origins I and II to have the same art style as the rest of the series.

You can watch that sneak peek at:


I think you’ll be impressed at how much better the sequential pages look with the new inks, colors, and lettering!

(A sneak peek of one of the Voluntaryist team art print layouts.)

And, speaking of improving, if you want to improve your portfolio diversification, I highly recommend checking out one of our Voluntaryist Origins VI sponsors, Taggart Trading!**

Taggart Trading deals in bullion, rare coins, and precious metals, which are especially important to consider holding on to in these inflationary times!

Taggart Trading’s owner Marc Tancer is not only a friend, but I can personally recommend his services as I have used them time and again over the years.

What’s unique about Marc is that he’s not just some large corporate chain where you’re dealing with a series of intermediaries. Marc is both the expert and the executive and offers you personalized service whether you’re looking to just break into precious metals for the first time or want to order large quantities.

Check out his Website over at: http://southfloridabullion.com/

and be sure to give him a call when you’re ready to set yourself up for success in 2023.

It’s a great time to investigate the benefits of precious metals in your portfolio!

Looking forward to updating you next month on the Voluntaryist comic progress.

In liberty,

-J ( :


**This is not investment advice. Please seek a competent investment professional if you need investment advice.