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Posts tagged “rippaverse launch time

Rippaverse by Eric July launches Monday, June 11th!

Eric July’s new comic book universe titled, “Rippaverse,” will be launching on Monday, June 11th at https://rippaverse.com/. I am personally excited to check out and support his launch because I believe this series is going to inspire people to exit the mainstream comic paradigm in leaps and bounds beyond what has already been accomplished via Ethan van Sciver and ComicsGate. Eric is truly paving the way for what I think will be the house of cards coming down for Marvel/D.C., and I expect many to benefit from his bold approach both as consumers and as indie comic creators.

I urge the Voluntaryist fanbase here to share his site and to pick up something from his launch so that, through his success, we can all see the much-needed change materialize in stark contrast from the hackneyed repackaging done with beloved characters like Superman and Spiderman.

Plus, the fact that Eric has a solid team on this issue with former D.C. artists Cliff Richards and Gabe Eltaeb is sure to make this series come alive with sharp visuals and stunning colors.

I will be covering the launch on a ZeroState livestream tomorrow night and will also be reviewing whatever perks I can snag with The Pholosopher once those get shipped to us.

Thank you so much, everyone, for joining me in supporting Eric July as we watch a new era in comics unfold before our eyes.

In liberty,

-J ( :

Rippaverse link: https://rippaverse.com/