Hello, Voluntaryist fans!

Our newest series, Voluncap One Shot, ends in less than 48 hours on Indiegogo at:


We’ve had a lot of fun promoting this one as it is our first standalone character series since the launch of Voluntaryist in 2012.

With this special launch came an EPIC animated trailer and top-tier artwork by our award-winning primary artist, Bruno Abdibas!

We also brought in Rippaverse’s Igor Teixeira for another limited-edition cover, rounding out our superstar presentation.

This comic is a MUST HAVE for any Voluntaryist fan as Voluncap expands the Voluntaryist universe and gives more context to the cosmic event that changed everything.

And it’s a treat for gun and shooting sports enthusiasts alike as it’s the first time a comic character is a competitive shooter!

This is NOTHING like what you’ll be seeing from Marvel and D.C. these days.

So come on by and get your campaign-exclusive perks and let’s continue to make Voluntaryist the leading indie comic for liberty in 2025!

See you on Indiegogo,

-J ( :

Voluncap One Shot:
