We survived our first month of 2025!
Congrats to everyone for staying alive through all these wild cold fronts and snow storms!
Voluntaryist Suit Saga II is moving along quite well!
Everything is pretty much set to go except for our last couple of ads.
Take a look at this little sneak peek to whet your appetite:

Those art pieces are being wrapped up soon though, and we will send the comics to printer immediately after they finalize.
It’s likely that the comics will be ordered by the end of this month/beginning of next with fulfillment beginning as soon as they arrive at my doorstep.
So, if you will be moving addresses in the next month, definitely update us on the campaign so we can ensure that your perk package makes it to you safely.
Follow the instructions here to do so: https://support.indiegogo.com/hc/en-us/articles/212528078-How-do-I-update-my-shipping-address
Email us if you have any questions or trouble at mr.voluntary(at symbol)gmail.com
We want to make sure everyone gets what they ordered on-time!
A BIG THANK YOU to another one of our sponsors on this comic issue, Drop the Mask Podcast with Jason Lawlor!

Jason has a fun show that I’ve had the privilege of appearing on!
He talks about current events and culture from an AnCap perspective and has had prominent guests ranging from libertarian community activist Spike Cohen to economist Per Bylund!
Give his show a like, a share, and subscribe today over at:
Looking forward to updating you soon on our next campaign production development!
In liberty,
- J ( :