Voluncap One Shot Update No. 1 March 2025

Hello, Voluncap One Shot backers! I hope you are having a FANTASTIC START to your March. Voluncap One Shot is moving along swimmingly! We just wrapped our second-to-last advertisement page and are just waiting to finalize the last before moving to the comic printing stage. In the meantime, if you will be moving addresses, please […]
Voluntaryist Fans! Voluncap One Shot Ends In Under 48 hours!

Hello, Voluntaryist fans! Our newest series, Voluncap One Shot, ends in less than 48 hours on Indiegogo at: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/voluncap-one-shot/x/952007#/ We’ve had a lot of fun promoting this one as it is our first standalone character series since the launch of Voluntaryist in 2012. With this special launch came an EPIC animated trailer and top-tier artwork […]