Hello, Voluncap One Shot backers!
I hope you are having a FANTASTIC START to your March.
Voluncap One Shot is moving along swimmingly!
We just wrapped our second-to-last advertisement page and are just waiting to finalize the last before moving to the comic printing stage.
In the meantime, if you will be moving addresses, please make sure to update your address on Indiegogo by following the instructions here:
so that we can make sure your perk makes it to you!
If you have any questions or issues, please contact us at mr.voluntary(at)gmail.com so we can help you.
Speaking of help, we’d like to give a shout-out to our very special sponsor Luke Tatum, author of Between the Lies: How to Reclaim Your Future from the Banks and Wall Street.
I’ve had the pleasure of meeting Luke in person and can tell you that he is quite sharp at helping others shape up their financial future.
He is an infinite banking advisor, which is a short way of saying that he applies Austrian economic thinking and voluntaryist principles to financial planning.
His book, Between the Lies, is an excellent primer to help you consider what options you have to better your financial position and insulate yourself from the woes of inflation.
Through his revolutionary 5-Step TRUTH Blueprint, you’ll learn how to:
• Take full responsibility for your financial decisions.
• Reclaim and safeguard your money from predatory systems like conventional loans, mutual funds, and so-called ‘retirement plans.’
• Eliminate debt and replace it with wealth-building strategies.
• Transcend everyday expenses to unlock true freedom.
• Empower others while building a lasting legacy.
So pick up his book today and help yourself become a better financial thinker in the midst of the Federal Reserve’s fiat chaos!
Available on Amazon at:

Thank you so much again, everyone, for your generous support on Voluncap One Shot!
We’re excited to update you again next month on the next developments.
Looking forward in liberty,
– J ( :
P.S. We released a new song called “My Music Delight” over at:
It’s an 80s and 90s dance meets modern EDM track that’s sure to catch you singing along! We hope you enjoy the tune as much as we did producing it. ( :