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Posts tagged “voluntaryist powers

Voluntaryist Suit Saga One Has A Record-Breaking Finish!

Hello, Voluntaryist fans!


Voluntaryist Suit Saga One has closed with RECORD-BREAKING success.

I am FLOORED that we managed to unlock EVERY SINGLE LISTED STRETCH GOAL before close.

This is the most successful Voluntaryist single-issue comic campaign of ALL TIME with our reaching 220% of goal!

And, with record-breaking success, comes RECORD-BREAKING BONUSES.

Thanks to your generous support, each backer at the print comic tier and higher will be receiving 6 bonus perks in addition to your print perk pack.

This includes:

  • A bonus character turn sheet of a new Voluntaryist character, Leebertas.
  • A bonus character turn sheet of a new Statist character, Fiat Ferret.
  • A bonus die cut sticker of a new Voluntaryist character, Replevin.
  • A new Voluntaryist team art print.
  • A new Statist team art print.
  • A cover artwork teasing my new standalone series, Voluncap One Shot, the girl with the black and yellow costume and No Step on Snek tee you’ve seen Pho cosplay as.

As you can see, it’s going to be a STUFFED perk pack!

It’s my honor and pleasure to be a part of this Voluntaryist universe expansion process and I cannot wait to show you the results!

Now that the campaign has ended, we need to go over the production process timeline so you know what to expect and what you need to do, if anything.

First and foremost, if you will be moving in the next few months, you can update your address on the campaign, and I will receive that update so long as it’s updated a week before we do shipment.

Follow the instructions here if you end up needing to update your shipping address:


Second, if you’re an ADVERTISEMENT BACKER, please make sure that you get me your advertisement content by or before January 31st, 2024.

I sent out advertisement specs, templates, and information by email, and it looks like everything should be good-to-go otherwise for advertisers. If you have any questions or concerns lingering, feel free to reach me at mr.voluntary(at)gmail(dot)com.

As far as the production process is concerned, here’s what we’re currently looking at:

  • Indiegogo needs to release the funds for us to move forward. They can take up to 15 business days, but we’ve seen them typically process within 7.
  • Once we get those funds cleared, we’ll be able to work on getting our merchandise purchased and any bonus art items finalized.
  • We’re currently ahead of schedule on the comic’s production, so we should be able to move much faster than we have before. Most of what’s left is creating the bonus perks and getting them printed and shipped to us along with the comic merchandise and extras.
  • It will probably take 4-5 months to wrap up all of this if all goes well. I anticipate it should, so I imagine that we will be able to fulfill everything FAR AHEAD of our campaign estimated delivery date of December, 2024. If we’re agile, you’ll have everything by the end of spring, beginning of summer at the latest.

We will be making a monthly update on Indiegogo about our progress, so please make sure to check back at https://igg.me/at/suitsaga to see where we’re at in the process.

I will also post progress updates in parallel on the Voluntaryist Website here.

I try my best to be as responsive as possible to all questions, so if you have any questions or concerns, please always feel free to reach out to me at mr.voluntary(at)gmail(dot)com.

I’m looking forward to more good things as well, including some AMAZING projects we have coming up in 2024. So, stay tuned as we launch even more creative works next year!

Also, if you have not done so yet, check out the Voluntaryist Origins single issue remastered editions on Indyplanet.com. The single issues were not a part of this campaign, only the trade paperback. So, if you want to round out your Voluntaryist collection with those, you CAN with print-on-demand service at: https://www.indyplanet.com/?s=voluntaryist

Wishing you and yours peace and prosperity into this new year!

In liberty,

-J ( :
