What does it mean to be truly free?

Posts tagged “voluntaryism comic book

Voluntaryist Origins VI Comic Sneak Peek Update 1

Hello, Voluntaryist fans!

Hope you are having a great start to your week with August kicking off!

I wanted to update you on the progress of the comic and let you know that everything is going smoothly!

We’ve already finished the pencils on Origins VI, in part, because I had been working on them even before the campaign started and, in other part, because our primary penciller has prioritized working on Voluntaryist, helping us get more pages completed sooner than expected.

The pencils for Origins VI are already off to the inker/colorist and are being worked on right now with an expected completion by or before the end of September.

Once those inks and colors wrap, they will then come back to me so I can lay down the lettering.

To celebrate this milestone, I am sharing with you a sneak peek from the Origins VI pencils and one from the art prints!

Voluntaryist Origins VI Pencils Sneak Peek 1
Lumbertarian Character Sheet Sneak Peek 1

Pretty cool, huh?

A quick reminder to our advertisement sponsors – please be sure to submit your ads for review by or before Wednesday, August 24th, so we can have a chance to check over them and make sure they’re good-to-go for both specs and fit.

You can send that proof to mr.voluntary(at)gmail(dot)com.

And on that note of our ad sponsors, I will be thanking each sponsor as we go through our updates!

Up first, I would like to thank Kirk of CJRoasting.com for his generous support on both this campaign and on our I DID NOT CONSENT music video. Kirk owns a coffee bean company at https://cjroasting.com/ selling organic and fair-trade coffee.

Custom Joe Roasting

So if you’re looking to try something new while supporting those who care about individual liberty, give CJ Roasting a try!

He has a variety of blends, from light roast to dark roast.

And thank you everyone here for helping us continue to succeed.

We’ve seen a bump in Voluntaryist comic interest on the heels of Eric July’s RIPPAVERSE comic universe launch, so these are some exciting times for the alternative comic book world!

Looking forward to updating you soon on our next developments.

In liberty,

-J ( :


Rippaverse by Eric July launches Monday, June 11th!

Eric July’s new comic book universe titled, “Rippaverse,” will be launching on Monday, June 11th at https://rippaverse.com/. I am personally excited to check out and support his launch because I believe this series is going to inspire people to exit the mainstream comic paradigm in leaps and bounds beyond what has already been accomplished via Ethan van Sciver and ComicsGate. Eric is truly paving the way for what I think will be the house of cards coming down for Marvel/D.C., and I expect many to benefit from his bold approach both as consumers and as indie comic creators.

I urge the Voluntaryist fanbase here to share his site and to pick up something from his launch so that, through his success, we can all see the much-needed change materialize in stark contrast from the hackneyed repackaging done with beloved characters like Superman and Spiderman.

Plus, the fact that Eric has a solid team on this issue with former D.C. artists Cliff Richards and Gabe Eltaeb is sure to make this series come alive with sharp visuals and stunning colors.

I will be covering the launch on a ZeroState livestream tomorrow night and will also be reviewing whatever perks I can snag with The Pholosopher once those get shipped to us.

Thank you so much, everyone, for joining me in supporting Eric July as we watch a new era in comics unfold before our eyes.

In liberty,

-J ( :

Rippaverse link: https://rippaverse.com/

Voluntaryist Origins V Print Comics Have Arrived – Next Steps

Hello, Voluntaryist fans!

I have some great news!

The Origins V comic came in a bit earlier than expected with the delays over at the printer, as you can see here:

They are out, in my hands, and looking AMAZING!

I will be working on fulfillment over the next month.

I am still waiting on one final stretch goal art piece to be finished so I can add it to your perk packages, but once that is in, they should be out to you shortly.

If all goes well, Christmas should come early for Voluntaryist Origins V backers!

If you are moving from your listed address by December, please do update your address with me through the Indiegogo dashboard or by contacting me with your perk information from Indiegogo at mr.voluntary(at)gmail.com

I want to make sure everyone gets what they ordered!

Thank you again as always for your generous support.

Looking forward in liberty,

-J ( :

Projected Shipping Delay for Origins V Due To Printer

Hello Voluntaryist fans!

Hope you are doing well.

I wanted to give you an early heads-up that there is a delay from the printer (Ka-Blam). 


Link to the post: https://www.facebook.com/KaBlamDigitalPrinting/…

I had placed my order for Origins V on September 30th:

And was crossing my fingers that all of the government malfeaseance wouldn’t have an impact…

But sadly (and predictably), all of the state tyranny has had a cumulative effect on supply chains and shipments.

That said, I have worked with Ka-Blam for 10 years because they are one of the largest comic printers in the world and are reliable for getting the final product to completion.

So I’m not worried at all about the comic’s eventual printing…just sad that it will take a little longer than expected.

I will keep you updated on when they finally get to my order and let you know when I think the comics will be out to you by.

If will you end up moving by the time of the projected shipment, please do reach out to me through the Indiegogo dashboard and let me know your updated address, or email me at mr.voluntary(at)gmail(dot)com with your order information and I will make sure your package goes to your updated address.

Thanks again for your generous support!

Looking forward,

-J ( :

Pencils finished! On to inking and coloring.

Hello, Voluntaryist fans!

I hope you are having an AMAZING start to your weekend.

We just finished up all 24 penciled pages for Voluntaryist Origins V and have now moved onto the inking and coloring process.

Everything is going well so far and is on-track for success.

I’ve also been working on the perk designs and have even finished and printed the latest Voluntaryist game card. The new card for Bastiat is quite the beaut! ( ;

In celebration of this, here’s a little sneak peek from the penciled pages:

I am looking forward to updating you when I have the next major development.

In liberty,

-J ( :

P.S. If you want to get yourself past print copies of Voluntaryist, you can do so at: https://indyplanet.com/?s=Voluntaryist

Also, Pho and I will be at Tom Woods 2000th Podcast event in Orlando. Tickets to the main event are free, and this will be one of the BIGGEST gatherings for liberty this year.

You won’t want to miss out!

You can learn more join the fun by visiting: http://tomwoods2000.com/

Hope to see you there!

Voluntaryist Origins II – Digital Comic Sent Out!

digital comic sent out voluntaryist origins II

Hello, Voluntaryist fans!

It is with great excitement that I can announce the comic design process has been completed!

So with that, I present to you the Voluntaryist Origins II comic in digital form. The download link should have been sent to your e-mail. If you did not receive it and were supposed to, please contact me right away at mr.voluntary(at)gmail(dot)com. I want to make sure you get it.  ( :

Thank you so much, everyone, for your extraordinary patience and kind support as I know it was frustrating to have to wait longer than expected for our estimated delivery.

Now that the digital process has come to a close, I have ordered the physical copies of the comic and game cards. The turnaround time for that depends on how fast Ka-Blam can get the comics to me, which is usually contingent on convention traffic. Fortunately, this isn’t convention season, so I expect a little faster processing time, though they gave me a “by-or-before March 1st.”

Once I do get the printed comics, I will update everyone and ask that anyone who has changed addresses to let me know of your new address so I can be sure to get your perks to you.

I’m looking forward to personally compiling and signing off on each of your perk packages, and cannot wait for you to show off the cool extras I’m throwing in.

Because this took extra time, I am going to wait to launch my next campaign until I have shipped out these perks. I want everyone to be confident in the work and the successful completion first before asking for your trust again on the next comic issue.

And, you can believe this: I have worked extra hard to ensure that, going forward, there will be even smoother, higher-quality output. You’ll get to see it especially when the next teasers come out for the continuing Origins story campaign.

As always, if you have any questions, thoughts, or concerns, I’m here for you and will make myself available to speak with you concerning anything on the comic process and delivery. You can reach me at mr.voluntary(at)gmail(dot)com.

I hope you enjoy this issue as much as I did in bringing it to life.

Looking forward to more comic culture in liberty,

-J ( :

Voluntaryist Origins II – Update on Progress + Sneak Peek 7

Hello, Voluntaryist fans!

Thank you so much again for your patience in the adjusted delivery timeline for Voluntaryist Origins II! I appreciate your kindness and consideration as we have been working through the final stages of production.

I wanted to give you the latest update from our publishing group, Short Fuse Media, on the status of the comic. I have been told that the letters will be completed this week and that the art director will make any adjustments to the final letters as he goes through the other edits that were needed.

If things go as planned, the digital comic should be out to you by January 2019, and I will be promptly printing and shipping perks thereafter.

To celebrate this update, I am also including two sneak peeks – a colored panel and a colored card element.

I hope you and yours have a lovely holiday and a happy new year!

Let’s make 2019 the year of growth for liberty culture together!

Yours truly,

-J ( :

voluntaryist origins II sneak peek 7

voluntaryist Card Sneak peek

Voluntaryist Origins II – Sneak Peek 5

Hello, Voluntaryist fans!

Thank you again for your patience in the adjusted delivery timeline for Voluntaryist Origins II! I am excited to share with you this next sneak peek with flatting colors!

I have been told by Short Fuse that they are nearing completion with colors and I should be getting them in full later this week.

Looking forward to sharing a detailed colored cell with you next!

In liberty,

-J ( :

voluntaryist origins II sneak peek 5

Voluntaryist Origins II – Indiegogo Campaign Now Live!

Voluntaryist Origins II Comic Cover

Hello Voluntaryist fans!

The Voluntaryist Origins II comic campaign is now live on Indiegogo. Click this link to check out the campaign: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/voluntaryist-origins-ii-comic/x/952007#/

Voluntaryist Origins II Comic Cover


This next issue continues the story of how Jack Lloyd comes to be Voluntaryist as  government agents confront Jack, questioning him about his newfound powers.

If you would, please share the campaign link to your social media platforms on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Reddit, and Steemit to help spread the word as we bring the message of liberty to the comic world.

Thank you again for your support in helping to make the Voluntaryist comic series a success! We could not have come this far without you and your dedicated fandom!
In liberty,

Voluntaryist Origins Print Copy Now Available

Get your own print copy of Voluntaryist Origins direct from Indyplanet.

Click this link to navigate to the purchasing page: http://www.indyplanet.us/product/156514/

Past issues and other merch here:

Assange: http://bit.ly/2BAXp7N
Snowden: http://bit.ly/2AjqzKm
Statist Zombies: http://bit.ly/2kb4TKi
No. 1 Special Edition: http://bit.ly/2zERBJ4

AnCap black/gold tee: http://bit.ly/2ktAd6T
AnCap Gun tee: http://bit.ly/2zqZpyp
Taxation is Theft tee: http://bit.ly/2wogarP
Anarkitty tee: http://bit.ly/2y6SlVT
Anarchyball tee: http://bit.ly/2yN6qIK
Taxation is theft tank: http://bit.ly/2zzlQVK
Bitcoin tee: http://bit.ly/2xZS9sO
Voluntaryist Comic tee: http://bit.ly/2i34usE

Rageon! Store: http://bit.ly/2A4gdhJ
Zazzle: http://bit.ly/2A2YUx7

Vol Origins Cover Print Copy

Voluntaryist Character Lineup

Hello friends!

Check out this cool Voluntaryist universe character lineup. This lineup includes many of the major actors in the canon story line. More designs to come!

Voluntaryist Lineup Banner

The Main Character Voluntaryist Universe Lineup