What does it mean to be truly free?

Posts tagged “jack lloyd comic

Voluntaryist Suit Saga One Sneak Peek Update No. 1

Hello, Voluntaryist fans!

Hope you are doing well as we kick off February, 2024!

Voluntaryist Suit Saga One has been moving along PERFECTLY.

Our funds were disbursed on time.

We got rolling right away on the bonus perks.

The interior pages have ALL been finished, and we’ve just sent them off to the printers!

Here’s a little sneak peek of page one’s pencil work:

And a sneak peek of a new character from the bonus perks, FIAT FERRET:

It all looks great, and it feels GREAT!

That said, I just want to remind you that if you know you will be moving in the coming months, please do update your shipping address on the campaign so we can make sure you get your perk package.

You can do so on Indiegogo here: https://support.indiegogo.com/hc/en-us/articles/212528078-How-do-I-update-my-shipping-address

If need to contact me about it, you can also do that by reaching me at mr.voluntary(at)gmail.com

I want to make sure that you get your perks so all goes as smoothly as possible.

Now, one of the best parts of doing this comic series is getting to see the advertisements.

We have quite the lineup this round, and I want you to check out a new sponsor each update so you can enjoy all the unique Voluntaryist-oriented products, services, and artists we host in this special indie space!

Up first is a search engine created by a Voluntaryist man named Colin Pape: Presearch!

Presearch is incredible because it not only protects your privacy, defends your freedom, and earns you cryptocurrency rewards, but it also gives you the option to check other search engine results as well with one-click buttons should you ever not be satisfied.

That’s just how much they stand behind their product!

And it works quite well. I’ve used Presearch and have found their search engine preferable to more statist alternatives like DuckDuckGo.

So, if you’ve been looking for a search engine that’s not a part of the big tech censorship regime, give Preseach a try today at:


You won’t regret it.

Thanks again, everyone, for joining me on this fun journey of creating Voluntaryist Suit Saga One.

I cannot wait to update you next month with more production sneak peeks!

In liberty,

-J ( :

P.S. If you have not already, make sure to pick up the past Voluntaryist issues leading up to Suit Saga One.

The Origins arc is available print-on-demand on Indyplanet at:


Remember that Origins floppies were not available on the Suit Saga One campaign, so it’s a great idea to pick them up and complete your Voluntaryist collection!

Voluntaryist Suit Saga One Has A Record-Breaking Finish!

Hello, Voluntaryist fans!


Voluntaryist Suit Saga One has closed with RECORD-BREAKING success.

I am FLOORED that we managed to unlock EVERY SINGLE LISTED STRETCH GOAL before close.

This is the most successful Voluntaryist single-issue comic campaign of ALL TIME with our reaching 220% of goal!

And, with record-breaking success, comes RECORD-BREAKING BONUSES.

Thanks to your generous support, each backer at the print comic tier and higher will be receiving 6 bonus perks in addition to your print perk pack.

This includes:

  • A bonus character turn sheet of a new Voluntaryist character, Leebertas.
  • A bonus character turn sheet of a new Statist character, Fiat Ferret.
  • A bonus die cut sticker of a new Voluntaryist character, Replevin.
  • A new Voluntaryist team art print.
  • A new Statist team art print.
  • A cover artwork teasing my new standalone series, Voluncap One Shot, the girl with the black and yellow costume and No Step on Snek tee you’ve seen Pho cosplay as.

As you can see, it’s going to be a STUFFED perk pack!

It’s my honor and pleasure to be a part of this Voluntaryist universe expansion process and I cannot wait to show you the results!

Now that the campaign has ended, we need to go over the production process timeline so you know what to expect and what you need to do, if anything.

First and foremost, if you will be moving in the next few months, you can update your address on the campaign, and I will receive that update so long as it’s updated a week before we do shipment.

Follow the instructions here if you end up needing to update your shipping address:


Second, if you’re an ADVERTISEMENT BACKER, please make sure that you get me your advertisement content by or before January 31st, 2024.

I sent out advertisement specs, templates, and information by email, and it looks like everything should be good-to-go otherwise for advertisers. If you have any questions or concerns lingering, feel free to reach me at mr.voluntary(at)gmail(dot)com.

As far as the production process is concerned, here’s what we’re currently looking at:

  • Indiegogo needs to release the funds for us to move forward. They can take up to 15 business days, but we’ve seen them typically process within 7.
  • Once we get those funds cleared, we’ll be able to work on getting our merchandise purchased and any bonus art items finalized.
  • We’re currently ahead of schedule on the comic’s production, so we should be able to move much faster than we have before. Most of what’s left is creating the bonus perks and getting them printed and shipped to us along with the comic merchandise and extras.
  • It will probably take 4-5 months to wrap up all of this if all goes well. I anticipate it should, so I imagine that we will be able to fulfill everything FAR AHEAD of our campaign estimated delivery date of December, 2024. If we’re agile, you’ll have everything by the end of spring, beginning of summer at the latest.

We will be making a monthly update on Indiegogo about our progress, so please make sure to check back at https://igg.me/at/suitsaga to see where we’re at in the process.

I will also post progress updates in parallel on the Voluntaryist Website here.

I try my best to be as responsive as possible to all questions, so if you have any questions or concerns, please always feel free to reach out to me at mr.voluntary(at)gmail(dot)com.

I’m looking forward to more good things as well, including some AMAZING projects we have coming up in 2024. So, stay tuned as we launch even more creative works next year!

Also, if you have not done so yet, check out the Voluntaryist Origins single issue remastered editions on Indyplanet.com. The single issues were not a part of this campaign, only the trade paperback. So, if you want to round out your Voluntaryist collection with those, you CAN with print-on-demand service at: https://www.indyplanet.com/?s=voluntaryist

Wishing you and yours peace and prosperity into this new year!

In liberty,

-J ( :


Voluntaryist Suit Saga One is NOW LIVE!

Hello Voluntaryist fans!

It’s J here.

Hello Voluntaryist fans!

I am excited to share with you that the next Voluntaryist comic book campaign is NOW LIVE on Indiegogo at: 


Suit Saga One is the first title in this heart-racing, action-packed arc exploring the Voluntaryist suit origins.

As you’ll see from this comic’s cover, new characters are also being introduced as the Voluntaryist universe continues to expand.

You’re not going to want to miss out, especially, with our new and improved Origins arc having just finished its remaster and 192-page trade paperback edition.

So don’t wait! Head on over to the Suit Saga One landing page here:


and get some AMAZING, campaign-exclusive perks, including a special Issue 2 variant cover created by Rippaverse artist Igor “Chakal” Teixeira.

The fight for liberty has just begun.

See you on Indiegogo,

-J ( :

Campaign link: https://igg.me/at/suitsaga


Voluntaryist Origins VI FINAL Update – No. 14 October 2023

Hello, Voluntaryist fans!

I hope you’re doing well as we prepare for a cooler October.

By now, everyone should have received their perks from the Voluntaryist Origins VI campaign.

If for any reason you have not, please contact me through Indiegogo or through my e-mail at mr.voluntary(at)gmail.com so I can track down what happened and rectify the situation.

Now, the moment you’ve been so patiently waiting for has arrived—

The NEXT Voluntaryist campaign is going live at the end of THIS MONTH!

I will be launching the next campaign, VOLUNTARYIST SUIT SAGA ONE, on October 29th.

If you want to be notified when it officially goes live, sign up for the Suit Saga pre-launch notification over at:


That short link will go to the campaign once it goes live. For now, it’s just the prelaunch page where you can sign up to be notified.

This is going to be one of the best campaigns yet because the canon Origins story is complete and we’re already ahead of schedule for creating the perks on this one.

We will be able to fulfill the campaign and move forward to the next even faster than before.

There will be some campaign-exclusive items including a RARE Origins II variant cover. Only 90 copies will be available, so be sure to pick it up with the ULTIMATE bundle once Suit Saga is launched.

In the meantime, if you have not previously read all of Voluntaryist Origins or have not gotten physical copies, make sure to do so at the following places:

Print copies: https://www.indyplanet.com/?s=voluntaryist

Digital copies: https://amzn.to/3ZuIOpG

The single issues of Origins I and II are still in queue to be posted, along with the trade paperback.

Hopefully, Indyplanet will get to them by the time this next campaign goes live.

On that note of things going live, my third nonfiction book has finally been published:

Philosophical Voluntaryism.

It’s a close to my libertarian-voluntaryist primer trilogy, and it takes you through the nuts and bolts of philosophical thinking through the lens of a voluntaryist mindset.

The cover is an incredible art piece featuring some great thinkers, which makes for an excellent display once you’ve finished reading.

You can pick up your own copy of that book over at:


This is the final update for this Origins VI campaign, so thank you again, everyone, for your generous support and trust in me, and for giving me the chance to take the Voluntaryist comic universe to new heights!

I would not have reached this next level of Voluntaryist success without you.

Let’s keep winning together and make the next arc even better!

In liberty,

-J ( :

Suit Saga Pre-launch signup:


My new personal site:

Voluntaryist Origins VI FINAL SNEAK PEEK Update 13 September 2023

Hello, Voluntaryist fans!

It’s been a whirlwind of production time, but we’ve made it to the finish line this September– and that’s despite a hurricane!

All Voluntaryist perks for the Origins VI campaign have been officially shipped out!


This last set was the remaining Origins I-VI catchup perks and the trade paperback perks.

We managed to ship those last ones out 4 months ahead of their expected December, 2023 delivery date!

I’m certainly impressed.

International backers should see their perks by or before the end of September with everyone else by or before the end of the first week of September.

The best part of this whole experience is seeing how BEAUTIFUL these print comics came out.

Don’t just believe me. Look for yourself here:

I LOVE seeing you get in your perks so, if willing, share a shot of your perk package delivered and I will gratefully repost it in thanks on social media whether you’re on Twitter (X), Facebooks, Minds, or Youtube!

You can “at” me at:

Twitter (X): @jackvlloyd

Facebook: @volcomics

YouTube: @jacklloyd

Minds: https://www.minds.com/voluntaryism/

If you do a review video/unboxing, I would love to share that as well! Feel free to share the link with me on social media or at mr.voluntary(at)gmail(dot)com.

And, I have even MORE great news!

The sneak peek for the next Voluntaryist arc, Suit Saga I, is live over at:


It’s a landing page where you can sign up to be notified of the next campaign’s launch. There’s a sneak-peek of the cover there too to peep.

We plan to launch this next arc’s campaign on Sunday, October 29th, so be on the lookout for our launch e-mail when we go live at that time.

Thank you all for believing in me and patiently waiting for the remaster to be brought to life.

I think you’ll be amazed and inspired when you see what we’ve put together in your own hands.

I have ANOTHER special round of thanks to our ad sponsors whose placements especially helped us get to goal:

CJRoasting: https://CJRoasting.com

Punk Rock Libertarians: https://www.punkrocklibertarians.com/

Aimee McLernon: https://aimeemclernon.com/

Marc Tancer of Tagart Trading: https://southfloridabullion.com/

Libertarian Country: https://www.libertariancountry.com/collections/pholosophers-market?rfsn=639897.fb3ec

Victoria King: https://amzn.to/45t0kwV

Agorist Nexus: https://www.agoristnexus.com/

Presearch: https://Presearch.com  

Build Freedom: https://buildfreedom.io

Let’s keep on winning this year and in 2024 as we continue growing the Voluntaryist universe together!

In liberty,

-J ( :


P.S. Don’t forget about our comedy show and range event with Lou Perez at ReLoad Gun range in sunny Florida coming up Sept. 9th!

Voluntaryist Origins VI Sneak Peek Update 12 August 2023

Hello Voluntaryist fans!

Hope you are doing well as we kick off this AWESOME month of AUGUST!

Why is it so awesome you may ask?

It’s SO AWESOME because all artwork for the remaster HAS BEEN COMPLETED!

We’ve finished the Origins I and II cover remasters and all interior sequential inks, colors, and letters!

Check out a little sneak peek from that progress here:

At the time of this writing, we’re conducting a final review of the pages, then sending the Origins comic digitals off to the printers!


It’s been an incredible year of working on this with 6 new comic covers and 112 new comic book pages produced! (Not to forget all the art prints made as well!)

With our final days before last fulfillment closing in, please be sure to update your address if you have already moved or will be moving come September, 2023.

Thank you to those who updated on Indiegogo already – your updates have been accounted for.

If you still need to update, learn how to do so by reading the Indiegogo page here:


In other great news, we just finished up our Break the Great Reset music video shoot in downtown Tampa! If you backed that campaign, you got a behind-the-scenes teaser e-mailed to you. We had a blast filming and cannot wait to share the music video with you once it’s out.

If you’re looking for some excitement in the meantime, be sure to check out our next event with Lou Perez!

Lou is coming to Florida to host a comedy show at the gun range! There are 3 separately ticketed events: The comedy show itself with a Lou photo opportunity. A range time on the pistol range with Lou. And, a VIP mixer after the range time. Both Pho and I will be there along with some other great friends, so consider joining us for an intimate night of laughs, loading, and lounging.

And, even if you cannot make it, but would like to sponsor the event, you certainly can with our ad sponsor option. Sponsors get a special “thank you” to our audience and their merchandise/flyer/business card given to ticket purchasers (as provided by sponsor).

It’s a great way to showcase your business to those who love liberty and want to support liberty-friendly businesses.

Thank you so much again everyone for staying up-to-date with Voluntaryist on this longer project window!

I cannot wait to show you what we’ve achieved together.

In liberty,

-J ( :

P.S. I have been working on my personal Website, https://jackvlloyd.com

If you check it out, you can get another sneak peek of the remastered Voluntaryist covers.

Enjoy the view!

Voluntaryist Origins VI Sneak Peek Update 5

Hello Voluntaryist fans!

It’s 2023! Happy New Year!

And what’s great about kicking off this new year is that I have received the print copies of Voluntaryist Origins VI!

Boy, do they look BEAUTIFUL!

Many of you have even already received your print copy if your perk was at the game card tier or lower.

Print comic perks at the game card level and below were mailed out on December 19th. If you have not received your print comic yet, please message me at mr.voluntary(at)gmail.com and I will see if your order was lost in the mail and replace it if so. (If you’re an international backer, it may still take another week or 2 with all the holiday busyness.)

As for the rest of the perks at the Art Tier print level and higher, those are still pending as we’re working through the Origins I and II remasters, the I-V cover remasters, and the final art print.

We are doing great schedule-wise as the promised delivery date is December, 2023. (That’s right – in case you forgot – getting the digital copy of Origins VI and the early print shipments are 1 FULL year ahead of promised delivery date. I hope you’re as impressed as I am!)

We are moving as fast as we can to deliver the rest of the perks well-ahead of the promised date, especially so, because we want to be able to launch the next Voluntaryist Arc campaign, SUIT SAGA, in 2023. And we won’t do that until ALL perks on this Origins VI campaign have been shipped.

To give you a sense of where we’re at, at the time of this writing we’ve:

  • Completed and have in our hands the Origins VI print comics.
  • Completed and have in our hands all perk accessories except the $75 tier art print.
  • Shipped out all perks at the Game Card tier and below.
  • Penciled 39 pages of the Origins I remaster.
  • Colored 32 pages of the Origins I remaster.
  • Lettered 32 pages of the Origins I remaster. (that’s me)
  • Got the Origins III, IV, and V comic remasters in production.

PRETTY impressive considering that we normally only have a single comic issue each year of about 24 pages. By summer 2023, we will have completed in 1 year what amounts to 4 comic book creations in total page counts. A record feat!

Stay tuned for when we do our next batch of perk fulfillments as we increment toward total project completion.

And speaking of completion, we would not have been able to achieve as much as we did if not for our ROCKSTAR executive advertisement sponsor, Victoria King.

Victoria has been an early believer in Voluntaryist and our other projects, and wanted to see the Origins Remaster and trade paperback come to fruition – so she went the extra mile on this campaign.

She wants you to check out her book Dear Younger Me, Victim To Victor: A Memoir, as it’s her life’s memoir about overcoming an abusive relationship. She wrote it to help inspire others and bring them healing.

If you’re looking for something unique to help challenge your thinking on relationships, pick up a copy of her book here: 



in special thanks to her for helping this campaign reach goal in record time!

Thank you Victoria, and everyone else here, for your generous support and social media shoutouts! It makes me feel good to see you get your perks in the mail.

And on that note of feeling good–

My and The Pholosopher’s ANTISTATE music video is now live!

You can tune in to watch it on YouTube over at: https://youtu.be/iI9-2uUlXSA

This is one of the COOLEST music videos we’ve created, so be sure to check it out, subscribe, and share it around as we continue to shift the culture toward a true respect of Voluntaryist virtues!

Looking forward to sharing another Voluntaryist development with you next month!

In liberty,

-J ( :

P.S. I’ve been trying to up my review count for Voluntaryist on Amazon Kindle. If you have some credits and would be willing to give an official review, I would greatly appreciate it!

Check it out at: https://amzn.to/3i888ka


Voluntaryist Origins VI Comic Sneak Peek Update 1

Hello, Voluntaryist fans!

Hope you are having a great start to your week with August kicking off!

I wanted to update you on the progress of the comic and let you know that everything is going smoothly!

We’ve already finished the pencils on Origins VI, in part, because I had been working on them even before the campaign started and, in other part, because our primary penciller has prioritized working on Voluntaryist, helping us get more pages completed sooner than expected.

The pencils for Origins VI are already off to the inker/colorist and are being worked on right now with an expected completion by or before the end of September.

Once those inks and colors wrap, they will then come back to me so I can lay down the lettering.

To celebrate this milestone, I am sharing with you a sneak peek from the Origins VI pencils and one from the art prints!

Voluntaryist Origins VI Pencils Sneak Peek 1
Lumbertarian Character Sheet Sneak Peek 1

Pretty cool, huh?

A quick reminder to our advertisement sponsors – please be sure to submit your ads for review by or before Wednesday, August 24th, so we can have a chance to check over them and make sure they’re good-to-go for both specs and fit.

You can send that proof to mr.voluntary(at)gmail(dot)com.

And on that note of our ad sponsors, I will be thanking each sponsor as we go through our updates!

Up first, I would like to thank Kirk of CJRoasting.com for his generous support on both this campaign and on our I DID NOT CONSENT music video. Kirk owns a coffee bean company at https://cjroasting.com/ selling organic and fair-trade coffee.

Custom Joe Roasting

So if you’re looking to try something new while supporting those who care about individual liberty, give CJ Roasting a try!

He has a variety of blends, from light roast to dark roast.

And thank you everyone here for helping us continue to succeed.

We’ve seen a bump in Voluntaryist comic interest on the heels of Eric July’s RIPPAVERSE comic universe launch, so these are some exciting times for the alternative comic book world!

Looking forward to updating you soon on our next developments.

In liberty,

-J ( :
